ARSD Alumni Association

ARSD Alumni Association

About Alumni Association

The college has a registered Alumni Association and wishes to involve its alumni in a meaningful manner for the benefit of the students and institution. Alumni Association of ARSD College is working to bring together the alumni community on a common platform to build another channel of personal and professional support to members through ‘self-help’ within community.

The alumni and college authority members collaborate through various social mediums to make the institution better and excel. We have already registered approximately 1,000 alumni through the College website and the number is growing every year.


Pawan Jaggi

Chairman, College

Ajeet Kumar

Convener Alumni Association


Our Alumni Review

Good evening to all. It was nice n useful meeting with Hon'ble Principal n professors of college TODAY the 22nd July 2022. Wish n pray to God that our Alma Mater will climb ladder with every passing day to reach No. 1 position in near future. Wish everyone including Alumni all the very best n hope fruitful result will come out from today's meet. With warm regards.

It's been a great journey started from my Alma Mater which has transformed my Academic career drastically. Apart from the degree it has given me exposure to groom as a researcher which helped during my doctorate. I am privileged that I have witnessed the sucess of college in the last decade. As an Alumni I feel proud to be part of this esteemed organization.

अब तक के जीवन के बेहतरीन सालों का जब भी जि़क्र होगा, ए आर एस डी काॅलेज का नाम ज़रूर आएगा। अकादमिक उत्कृष्टता की बात हो या फिर पाठ्येत्तर गतिविधियों की हर तरह से शिक्षकों के माध्यम से काफी़ कुछ पाया है। ज्ञानतोष झा सर, अजीत सर , अनामिका मैम और तमाम शिक्षकों का मार्गदर्शन आज भी मिलता है,इसके लिए मैं काॅलेज का आभारी हूँ।

आत्मा राम सनातन धर्म महाविद्यालय -जो आज अखिल भारतीय स्तर के श्रेष्ठ 10 महाविद्यालयों में से एक है- से मैंने बी.ए.(1998) और एम.ए.(2000 ) की डिग्री प्राप्त की। यहाँ के हिंदी विभाग के अपने समय के योग्यतम शिक्षकों से ज्ञान प्राप्त करने का अवसर मिला। उन्हीं से प्राप्त ज्ञान और साहित्यिक संस्कार के बल पर आज कॉलेज के उसी विभाग में साहित्य अध्ययन-अध्यापन का कार्य कर रहा हूँ।

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Awards win